
A pan-African consulting firm

A multidisciplinary team ready to support you in the implementation of your energy projects on the African continent, with a focus on West Africa.

Our ambitions & Our commitments

We aim to put our legal skills and expertise at the service of the development of the African continent.

Gouvernance & Organisation

Ọya est groupe panafricain de premier plan spécialisé dans le secteur de l’’énergie, qui exerce principalement en Afrique de l’Ouest. Il fondé par des africains d'horizons différents et ayant en commun la volonté de contribuer à la construction de l'Afrique de demain.





Skilled people

We collaborate with legal professionals from the world, as well as partners evolving in diverse fields such as finance, accounting, engineering, in order to provide the best solutions to your issues.

  • Atinoukê AMADOU

    Founder and Managing Partner // Legal & regulatory expert

  • Barthelemy AGNAN

    Telecommunication engineering expert

  • Nazer Aminou

    Information & Digital Technologies Expert


Our services